Once you have made your booking it will be emailed to you so you can check all the details. A deposit will be due and your booking will contain your payment due dates and payment options. It is your responsibility to read the literature we provide at all stages of your quote and booking process and check every detail and the inclusions on your booking before making payment. If it's not written on your booking, then it's not included. All guests regardless of age must be listed on your booking.
The full deposit being 50% of the total booking is payable within two (2) business days. If the deposit is not received within 2 days of your booking, the booking may be cancelled without notice. Payment of this deposit will indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions set out herein and any additional terms and conditions specific to your booking.
The balance of the total reservation is due 60 days before arrival. If the deposit due date falls inside the balance due date, payment in full is required immediately. If full payment is not received prior to arrival date, no person will be entitled to receive any services listed on your booking and any prepaid monies will be forfeited.
Cancellation of a booking can be accepted in writing or over the phone and will only be accepted by the person who made the booking. For cancellations received more than 60 days prior to the booking start date, all moneys will be refunded less 20% of the booking value, in addition to the charges set by the property booked. For cancellations received 60 days or less prior to arrival, no refunds apply. The cancellation fees apply in respect to part cancellation (for example, some members of a group cancel). Any cancellation policy belonging to any property supplier will take precedence over the aforementioned cancellation policy if the cancellation penalty is greater. Please note a change of dates is considered a cancellation for some properties and may attract cancellation fees. A change of property is also considered a cancellation. Please also read below regarding Additional Terms & Conditions. Credit card fees will not be refunded.
Additional booking terms & conditions may apply specifically to your booking, including but not limited to special cancellation policies. All deals/special promotions are offered with additional terms & conditions. Once the book by date for a deal/special promotion has expired it may no longer display on our website however the additional terms & conditions still apply to your booking. In the event that the additional terms & conditions are not adhered to, your booking may be cancelled or revert to full price. Relaxed terms and conditions for unforeseen circumstances may or may not apply to your booking, this includes circumstances outside of anyone's control. Regardless of the situation, if a refund or credit is applicable, a minimum fee of 15% of the value of the booking will apply.
Amendments/changes made to confirmed reservations will incur a minimum fee of $55 plus any fees imposed by the accommodation house, supplier or service operator. An amendment fee also applies when credits and refunds are issued and is in addition to any other charge that may apply. Moved bookings are non refundable and non transferable and are also subject to an amendment fee.
We strongly recommend travel insurance to protect you against loss of personal belongings, public liability, cancellation fees and lost deposits in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Unforeseen circumstances may include but are not limited to: injury, delayed or cancelled flights, illness, global pandemic, extreme weather. The terms and conditions of your booking are not negotiable so please consider this when deciding on your travel insurance policy. National Park and road closures can happen; we do not refund for such occurrences, therefore travel insurance may be another option for a safeguard. It is your responsibility to read and understand your travel insurance policy and what you are and are not covered for. Check the insurance policy for any extras that may also be available when heading to the snow. Travel insurance is at your discretion. We do not offer or give any advice.
Clients occupying self-contained accommodation may be required to bring sheets, pillow cases, towels, tea towels, washing and personal items. Please check your booking details. A security deposit will be charged by the property management company of your property upon registering. All apartment details and bedding is correct at time of notification by property management. Bedding and inclusions are subject to change without notice. All self contained properties should be left as they were found and cleaned to a reasonable condition, including removal of garbage and food.
Your accommodation booking is not conditional upon the availability of other external services and facilities that are not provided by and out of the control of your accommodation supplier. These services may include but are not limited to: transport, equipment hire, lift passes, lessons, child minding.
Under no condition can Ski'n Save Snow Holidays or the supplier of any service be held responsible for snow/weather conditions and/or closures. Refunds do not apply as a result of such occurrences.
All prices shown on this website and quoted are in Australian dollars. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are the total cost which may include but not limited to all taxes, fees, surcharges. Whilst Ski'n Save Snow Holidays makes every effort to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information, in the event any item is listed at an incorrect price, whether due to typographical error, photographic error or otherwise, Ski'n Save Snow Holidays may refuse or cancel any bookings placed for items listed at the incorrect price.
Credit Card Bond and Conditions:
All bookings into self-contained apartments will attract a credit card bond at the key collection point or a form may be emailed to you that requires you to complete and return prior to your arrival. This will be applied to any damage, breakages or loss to the property including lock and key replacements. This will also be applied to any additional costs of cleaning the premises if they are not left in good condition. All breakages must be compensated and the property manager has a right to inspect the property at any time during your occupancy. Should your party exceed the numbers booked you are liable for immediate eviction.
These are set out on our website and other literature you may receive from us. It is your responsibility to read and understand all literature provided by Ski'n Save Snow Holidays related to your booking. No allowance or refund can be made for meals, accommodation or any other inclusion that you may not use.
All details contained in our literature were correct at time of printing. The right is reserved to vary any price or detail at any time without incurring liabilities.
Ski'n Save Snow Holidays acts only as an agent for the companies, or persons providing or offering the means of accommodation, travel conveyance or transport. All tickets, vouchers and documents are issued subject to the terms and conditions under which services are provided by the principals concerned. Ski'n Save Snow Holidays reserves the right to relocate or amend accommodation dates according to circumstances beyond their control.
Ski'n Save Snow Holidays is not a provider of such services and has no responsibility for such services provided or not provided by any party. Accordingly, by using these services in your booking, you agree to seek remedies directly with the supplier and, subject to applicable law, not to hold Ski'n Save Snow Holidays nor its related employees or representatives liable in contract or tort (actionable wrong) for any loss, costs, expense, injury, accident or damage to person or property caused directly or indirectly from either (a) the acts or omissions of such suppliers or (b) any event beyond Ski'n Save Snow Holidays control including, but not limited to, war, civil disturbance, fire, flood, acts of God or Government or other authorities, accident to machinery or failure of machinery or equipment, or industrial action.
All vouchers and receipts are issued subject to the appropriate tariffs and terms and conditions of sale of suppliers and these terms. Ski'n Save Snow Holidays act as an agent and have no responsibility, and extend no guarantees for discontinued promotions, specific holiday products or changes made by a supplier.
All information, vouchers and receipts are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the suppliers. By accepting the information, vouchers and receipts and utilising our services, you agree that, apart from certain rights you have under the Trade Practices Act that we cannot alter, neither Ski'n Save Snow Holidays or representative shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage to you or your belongings or otherwise arising in any way out of our services to you.
Neither Ski'n Save Snow Holidays nor anyone on its behalf shall be liable for any costs, loss of deposits and payments made or other fees incurred due to cancellations resulting from unforeseen circumstances, medical conditions or changes to travel plans, death, loss, injury, accident, damage to personal property (including baggage) or delay which may occur during a tour or holiday however arising out of or in connection with any such accommodation, transportation or services. Ski'n Save Snow Holidays does not accept responsibility for losses or expenses whether arising directly, incidentally, or consequentially due to delay, death, illness, strike, civil disturbance, machinery failure, acts of government or other authorities, acts of God, or any causes beyond its control. Ski'n Save Snow Holidays reserve the right to alter or amend accommodation according to circumstances outside of our control. Prices, services and conditions are based on the situation at the time of printing but can be subject to change without notice at the proprietor's absolute discretion.
Ski'n Save Snow Holidays shall not be held responsible for any unread literature provided to you regarding your booking.